July Newsletter 2022

Summer is in full swing- BBQs, pool days, fireworks, and family fun has filled our weekends and we hope you are enjoying it too! In this month’s newsletters, check out our Monthly Smile Special, learn about our Smile Club memberships, view our Smile Makeover Gallery, and learn how you can achieve the smile you love and deserve!

Happy Independence Day
Thank you to all those who serve!

July Smile Special

For the entire month of July, save $750 OFF Comprehensive Invisalign Treatment! Invisalign Treatment will straighten your teeth and align your bite, improving the appearance and occlusion of your teeth.

Dr. Chan has been a preferred Invisalign provider for over 10 years. He is very detailed focused and will work with you to create a treatment case that will give you the smile that you deserve! Typical treatment cases take 6-12 months. During that time, you will wear your clear aligners for 22 hours a day, taking them out only to eat. Once your treatment in complete, you will wear clear retainers, all day at first, and then only at night to ensure your smile lasts a lifetime!

Ready to get started? Call or email the office to schedule a complimentary consultation and digital Smile Scan. If you accept treatment and pay the initial deposit of $1850 by July 31, 2022, you will receive $750* OFF your treatment!

*Smile Special discount is not applicable with any other discount, including insurance reimbursements.

Congratulations Jon and Amy!

We have been so blessed to celebrate love two months in a row! In last month’s newsletter, we celebrated our hygienist, Jennifer, and her new husband, Tony. This month, Dr. Chan’s step-son, Jon, married the love of his life, Amy! Dr. Chan, his wife Sherrie, and all of their kids celebrated in California. Jon and Amy, we wish you happiness, health, and fun for many years to come!

Join Our Smile Club

No insurance? No Problem! For patients who don’t have dental insurance, Dr. Chan has established our Smile Club memberships. For an annual fee, based on your dental needs, Smile Club members receive dental cleanings, x-rays, fluoride treatments, and exams. In addition, a 12% discount is offered on all dental treatments. Our memberships include:

Smile Makeovers

Smile Makeovers are Dr. Chan’s specialty! Using a combination of restorative treatment (composites, crowns and bridges, or veneers), oral surgery (extractions and implants), and Invisalign orthodontic treatment, he can help you to renovate your current smile into a brand new one! Check out our Smile Gallery on our website, https://gaithersburedentalcare.com/smile-gallery/to view more Before and After photos. Are you ready to start your Smile Makeover? Call or email the office to schedule a comprehensive examination, x-rays, and treatment consultation.

Safety First, Healthy Smiles Always

With COVID-19 cases on the rise again in Maryland, we want to assure you that our practice is continuing to practice our stringent protocols, as we have for the entire pandemic. Masks are still required upon entering the office. We clean each operatory with virus fighting solutions in between each appointment.

If you are experiencing any symptoms or are feeling unwell, please call the office prior to entering the office. We prefer to reschedule your appointment in order to keep our team, our patients, and our families healthy and safe. If you are experiencing a dental emergency, we will do our best to triage your emergency over the phone until you are well enough to come in the office for an appointment.

Remember to get vaccinated and boosted. We are in this together!

Thank you for trusting us with your dental care. We appreciate the referrals of your family, friends, and co- workers!

Stay healthy, stay happy, smile big, and enjoy the rest of summer!

Dr. Gerald Chan and Team